At the moment, we have allocated rewards to those who provide liquidity for our m.USDC-$GAMEFI trading pair on the Hermes DEX. To participate, follow this guide.
Note: When you provide liquidity on an exchange, you are opening yourself up to the risk of impermanent loss.
How to provide liquidity for $GAMEFI
Step 1 — Use this link to add “Liquidity”:
Step 2 — You will need to add a 1:1 value of $m.USDC (USDC on the Metis chain) and $GAMEFI. Add your liquidity (Hermes will help you split it equally).
Step 3 — You will receive an LP token representing your liquidity pool share. This LP token can then be staked on Hermes to receive $GAMEFI rewards that we have outlined in previous articles. Go to “staking.” Once locked in, you will receive the $GAMEFI emissions.
Revenant Dividends
$GAMEFI is our Governance token, and holders will benefit from periodic dividends distributed to the Revenant community, ensuring that as the protocol grows, so do our investors’ earnings.
Your holdings of $GAMEFI represent a share of equity, similar to stocks in a company. As we grow into a leading protocol on the blockchain, so will our revenue, treasury, and market cap.
We will periodically reward holders with dividends based on $GAMEFI held. Therefore, it is in your best interest to diamond hand your bags!
All you have to do is hold your tokens; we will send you your $GAMEFI!
Bribing in DeFi originated with Curve finance, the first vote escrow decentralized exchange, and is also part of the Hermes design.
So what exactly are bribes, and how do they work?
$HERMES holders influence the flow of liquidity through the power of their votes.
Voters have locked up their $HERMES tokens for $veHERMES, representing voting rights on the platform.
Voters can vote weekly on which pools emit the highest values of rewards paid in $HERMES, and by bribing the $veHERMES voters that vote in your favor, you can ensure adequate liquidity is in place from a third party.
In Revenants’ case, that would be toward our $m.USDC/$GAMEFI LP pair.
Where to find Revenant
Website and Roadmap — Twitter — Discord — Medium — Buy $GAMEFI on Hermes