Recap of our recent AMA and community announcements

5 min readDec 12, 2021


In this article, we’ll be sharing an update about our recent AMA plus any other important news that has been shared in the announcements on our Discord.

AMA Recap

Are the Tempo DAO devs doxxed?

Internally yes, but the founder (Franz) is doxxed publicly.

Why did the dAPP launch get delayed?

The first developer that was working with us tried to change his payment 3 days before presale, so we hired a new developer who created the presale contract from scratch despite not having any experience with OHM forks.

In the end, we hired 3 new developers who all worked on the project part-time since they had other jobs. One of the developers had experience with OHM forks, but had never worked with the AVAX network. Initially, it was challenging to learn the backend of OHM, which required us to learn how all the contracts work and even deploy 11 contracts individually and assign them with different variables. In short, it was complicated, but thankfully, now we’re in a much more solid position.

Why is the rebase 16 hours?

An initial mistake was made when uploading the final push to the mainnet which was the result of mistimed blocks. Due to the nature of the dAPP launch being rushed, the change was overlooked.

We are currently working on shortening the rebase time to 8 hours.

We might place in a DAO vote for people to choose between rebase timing (1, 4, 8, or 16 hours). This will require redeploying the staking contracts, which is safe to do but takes time to ensure no mistakes are made. Our focus right now is to push the reward rate up, since we had planned for the rewards rate to increment at 4 hours, instead we are getting it to increment every 16 hours. This is also an easy fix, we can amp up the reward rate to compensate for the loss.

Why does my bonding show a vesting period of 20 days instead of 5?

Due to the said nature of incorrect timings upon deployments. Some people were bonded into a 20 day vesting period. This is not an issue going forward and we will have a resolution shortly on how we will be fair going forward for those who bonded so long.

I have unclaimed Tempo, what can I do?

We will provide a 5 day grace period from the date of the AMA (December 9) for people who haven’t yet claimed.

What is is the website of a former project Enigma (Franz) worked on in the past. However, it was unsuccessful because it launched too late compared to other popular projects on the Binance Smart Chain.

Community Announcements

To keep up with all community announcements in real-time, check out Discord:

  • On December 12, TEMPO reached the top of the CoinMarketCap for DeFi 2.0 projects over the last 24H. We had an increase of 170% in a day!
  • We launched a random airdrop on December 8 and 9 for 25 lucky people. Whoever submitted their addresses on time was rewarded with 5 TEMPO each.
  • Decode joined the Tempo DAO Management Team as Community Management and Project Development. He has a lot of experience with tokenomics and will be helping get stuff on track, dAPP development and getting features finalized and released.
  • We are currently in talks with a company that is experienced with Play to Earn Blockchain games. More information coming soon.
  • We are currently looking for developers with experience writing crypto apps and defi. Looking for people with experience in Hardhat, Solidity, React, or NodeJS. The more the merrier that we can bring on as I want stuff done quickly and to give our community fast updates.
  • One of the first marketing initiatives we will be doing is building our marketing team with 5–10 dedicated individuals interested in the following focus areas: social media, graphic design, strategy, partnerships/outreach, and market research/competitor analysis (FYI these categories may change). More news about that soon.
  • We are building a list of influencers on social media to target for instructional videos, coverage, and promotion of Tempo DAO. DM Paradox if you have any suggestions about people we should target.
  • Our dapp is now fully functional. We now got a calculator at the bottom of the staking page! Feel free to check it out and see your potential earnings with our APY. You can also quantify your earnings to a brand new 2022 Toyota Prius! One of the features that sets us apart compared to other OHM forks is that you can see your balance in USD, not just TEMPO or sTEMPO.
  • We launched a 24 hour Twitter giveaway on December 11 where 3 lucky winners will get 30 TEMPO! Like, retweet, and follow Tempo DAO to be considered.
  • Warmup period has now been increased to two epochs. If you are buying, you need two stake and then wait for 2 rebase rounds (32 hours) to pass before you can unstake and sell. If you stake, you’re here to be with us not dump on our community!
  • We got our first 2 unsolicited YouTube features (of many to come) on CryptoKoinz and ERA MONEY DIGITAL. We will be looking to expand our video coverage soon.
  • Due to the fact that a few people were having trouble with claiming straight from the contract, we added in a button that will appear when you have a warm up balance right on the page! Please don’t spam click claim or claim when your rebases are not over, otherwise it will result in wasted gas. We will implement a way for that to be more intuitive soon and make it so you claim from the website when your balance is ready.
  • Help us get TEMPO listed on Debank. Vote here now!

How can you participate in the Tempo DAO community?




Written by Revenant

The first decentralized gaming ecosystem on the #Metis network. PLAY. EARN. INVEST. with $GAMEFI

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